The Black Duck Corporation is a national organization based in New Bern, North Carolina, engaged in the business of private investigations, counterintelligence and specialized training. We at Black Duck are in the “people” business. It is our mission to provide our confidential clients the most professional service they deserve. We accomplish this mission by employing staff of the highest caliber. It all starts with integrity and confidentiality. It ends with a professional product supported by quality evidence and unimpeachable testimony. The rest is our experience in State and Federal courts as state law enforcement agents.
We offer an unparalleled surveillance and counterintelligence service by combining state-of-the art equipment along with highly trained investigators. Our methods of investigations and counterintelligence are predicated by our professional training and desire to help others. Our training division provides invaluable services to corporations, private security, law enforcement and the private sector.
We encourage you to “walk” around our web site and view the professional services offered.